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PTO Executive Board 2022-2023

President: Leanne Lambeth

Vice President: Shannon Strom

Treasurer: Kathy Stone

Secretary: TBD


We invite you to join the Iddings PTO!

       The PTO consists of parents, teachers, and school staff who work together to make our school a place where the students will thrive. All parents of children in Iddings are considered members and are welcome to all meetings and activities. The parents form the volunteer base that makes the planned events successful. We encourage all families to be active members in the PTO! The PTO holds fundraisers to raise money to be used for the benefit of our students through enrichment activities (assemblies, book fairs, field trips, etc.), teachers (supplemental classroom materials), and to support school and family social interaction (family fun nights, Grandparent’s Day, etc.). Funds raised by the PTO during the school year go directly back into our school! There is value in it for parents, as well as students.  You get a chance to:

  • Meet other Iddings parents and form a network of people with common interests and concerns

  • Increase communication with the school

  • Have a forum to voice your concerns and suggestions.

       Parent involvement is crucial to the success of the PTO! We are looking forward to having an awesome PTO this year and getting so much more accomplished with you on board.

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